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upgrade_spawn is a point entity available in Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2. It is a configurable spawner for weapon upgrades.


Laser Sight (laser_sight) <integer>
UpgradePack - Incendiary (upgradepack_incendiary) <integer>
UpgradePack - Explosive (upgradepack_explosive) <integer>
If set to 1 the given item might spawn.


  •  [1] : Enable Physics on spawned item
  •  [2] : Spawned Item Must Exist

Optional FGD edits, for better usability

This entity will spawn a random chosen upgrade, yet you cannot decide its exact rotation. To fix this, modify "Left 4 Dead 2\bin\left4dead2.fgd".
Search for

@PointClass base(Targetname) = upgrade_spawn

and modify it as such:

 @PointClass base(Targetname, Angles)studioprop() = upgrade_spawn
 	laser_sight(integer) : "Laser Sight" : 1
 	upgradepack_incendiary(integer) : "UpgradePack - Incendiary" : 1
 	upgradepack_explosive(integer) : "UpgradePack - Explosive" : 1
 	spawnflags(Flags) =
 		1 : "Enable Physics on spawned item" : 0
 		2 : "Spawned Item Must Exist" : 0
 	model(choices) : "Helper Model (Visual aid only)" : "models/w_models/weapons/w_laser_sights.mdl" =
 	"models/w_models/weapons/w_laser_sights.mdl" : "Laser"
 	"models/w_models/weapons/w_eq_explosive_ammopack.mdl" : "Explosive Ammo"
 	"models/w_models/weapons/w_eq_incendiary_ammopack.mdl" : "Incendiary Ammo"