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This entity is Obsolete. Its use is discouraged, and it may only exist/function in older engine branches.
This entity is not in the FGD by default .
See below for instructions on making it available.
class hierarchy
CTriggerBrush defined in modelentities.cpp

trigger_brush is a brush entity available in all Source Source games. Deprecated entity during the development of Half-Life 2, its sole difference compared to other entities is that a OnUse output exists.

Note.pngNote:The brush is fully solid unlike other trigger entities.
Note.pngNote:Use func_button instead, it behaves like trigger_brush but is more likely to work on any version of source.
Note.pngNote:The player events (such as game_playerdie) are usable by all entities and not just by this entity, despite common misconception. The list of those is now available on the Targetname page.
Cpp-16px.pngCode:In code, it is represented by the CTriggerBrush class, defined in the modelentities.cpp file.


Input Filter (InputFilter) <choices>
Used to specify which inputs this entity will accept.
  • 0: Allow all inputs
  • 1: Ignore Players !FGD
  • 2: Ignore NPCs !FGD
  • 4: Ignore Pushables !FGD
  • 8: Ignore Touch/Untouch
  • 16: Ignore Use
  • 32: Ignore All
Don't alert parent (DontMessageParent) <boolean>
Decides whether to forward OnStartTouch, OnEndTouch outputs or Use input to parented entity.


Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.



Enable/disable this entity from performing its task. It might also disappear from view.
Fires the OnUse output.


Fired when the Use input is given.
Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger. The touching entity must pass this trigger's filters to cause this output to fire.
Fired when an entity stops touching this trigger. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters will cause this output to fire.

FGD Code

@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Global, Inputfilter, EnableDisable) = trigger_brush
	DontMessageParent(integer) : "Don't alert parent" : 0 : "When 0 forwards OnStartTouch, OnEndTouch outputs or Use input to parented entity"

	input Use(void) : "Fires the OnUse output."

	output OnUse(void) : "Fired when the Use input is given. "
	output OnStartTouch(void) : "Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger. The touching entity must pass this trigger's filters to cause this output to fire."
	output OnEndTouch(void) : "Fired when an entity stops touching this trigger. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters will cause this output to fire."

See also