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Template:L4D level intro pages

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This template is the sub-template of {{L4D level intro menu}}. It stores the pages that the base template uses.


The used strings are on the strings subpage. Please follow the format to add translations for them.


  1. Getting Started
  2. Your First L4D Level
  3. Ladders
  4. Visibility
  5. Nav Meshes
  6. Advanced Nav Editing
  7. Nav Flow
  8. Checkpoints (Part 2)
  9. Outdoor Levels
  10. Level Organization
  11. Level Standards
  12. Clip Brushes
  13. Elevators
  14. Panic Events
  15. Breakable Walls
  16. Finale Events (Part 2, Part 3)
  17. Additional Finale Components
  18. Versus Maps