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Projected tractor beam entity

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English (en)
A prop_tractor_beam emitting a projected_tractor_beam_entity.
This entity is not in the FGD by default .
See below for instructions on making it available.

projected_tractor_beam_entity is a point entity available in Portal 2 Portal 2. This is the actual funnel created by a prop_tractor_beam. One put directly into a map behaves similar to one made via a prop_tractor_beam, just without the emitter model and no push/pull force.
It does hold the player as if it was a prop_tractor_beam with a pull/push force of 0
It is always orange as if it was set to pull

FGD Code

@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) studio("models/editor/cone_helper.mdl") = projected_tractor_beam_entity : "The visual part of a prop_tractor_beam" []