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Render models

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Render models
This Render Operator renders each particle as a model. For particle based models, the radius of the particle is a scale of the models scale, with 1 being 1:1. The per-particle normal is used a basis for which other per-particle rotations (pitch, roll, yaw) will be offset. Per-particle colors and alpha will be applied to the model, but depending on the source models shader settings, they may no be reflected visually. This may require using specific shaders or options within the .vmt to enable alphablending or color modulation.

Generic Operator Options

Generic Render Operator Visibility Options

Operator Specific Options :

sequence 0 model [model]
The model that will be rendered.
animation rate [float]
The rate at which the model will play its animations.
scale animation rate [bool]
Should the model scale its animation rate based on the animation rate scale field?
reset animation frame on stop [bool]
When the particle system is stopped, reset the animation frame to 0? Useful when playing a different animation for the endcap effect.
set animation frame manually [bool]
If this is set, the manual animation frame field will be used to specify the current animation frame (or interpolated place between two frames) rather than running at the set "animation rate".
animation rate scale field [particle scalar field]
The particle field to scale the animation using, for example Scratch Float. Must also check the scale animation rate checkbox bool. Set to NONE/Disabled to disable.
orient model z to normal [bool]
If this is set, the particle's Normal field will be set to Z, otherwise the default is X.
ignore normal [bool]
If this is set, the model will entirely ignore the particles normal field.
skin number [integer]
The skin of the model to use.
activity override [activity]
If set, the model will play the specified activity in game. NOTE : It may not show properly in the preview panel.
animation sequence field [particle scalar field]
The particle field (such as Sequence or Second Sequence) to read the model animation from. Note that Activity Override will override this. Set to NONE/Disabled to disable.
bodygroup field [particle scalar field]
If specified, the particle field set here will control which bodygroup is rendered. This can be used to show multiple visual looks within a single system. Set to NONE/Disabled to disable.
submodel field [particle scalar field]
If specified, the particle field set here will control which submodel is rendered. This can be used to show multiple visual looks within a single system. Set to NONE/Disabled to disable.
manual animation frame field [particle scalar field]
If specified, the particle field set here will control the animation frame. Must also check the manual frame override checkbox bool. Set to NONE/Disabled to disable.
skin override CP [integer]
If set, will override the skin from the specified CP's X component. -1 disables.
model override CP [integer]
If set, will read the model of the attached object in the specified CP's X component. This can be used to attach a generic effect to an entity and use that entities model for the effect. In Dota 2, this is often used for abilities that create illusions or steal abilities which reference the Hero. -1 disables.
model override economy loadout slot type [string]
If set, will work in combination with the model override CP to determine what economy item to draw the model from. For example "weapon" will take the model from the weapon slot of the referenced entity if it has it. If the slot is improperly defined or no model is found in the defined slot, the particle systems default model will be used instead. Blank field disables. Economy slots will vary depending on the game and entity/character in question.
For Dota 2, the following types are currently available -
Weapons -
"weapon", "offhand_weapon", "weapon2", "offhand_weapon2",
Armor -
"head", "shoulder", "arms", "armor", "belt", "neck", "back", "legs", "gloves", "tail", "misc",
Body -
"body_head", "mount", "summon", "shapeshift"