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Might and Magic.fgd

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January 2024

From: \common\Dark Messiah Might and Magic Multi-Player\cfg\MightAndMagic.fgd

@PointClass base(Targetname, PlayerClass, Angles) studio("models/props/CapturePoint/CapturePoint.mdl") = CapturePoint : "Capture point entity for Supremacy game mode."
	resistance(integer) : "Resistance" : 10 : "Resistance value."
	active(choices) : "Active" : 1 : "If set, this point is active (can be seen and selected)." =
		0: "No"
		1: "Yes"
	TeamNum(choices) : "Team Number" : "0" =
		0 : "Unassigned"
		2 : "Undead Team"
		3 : "Human Team"

	spawnflags(Flags) = 
		1 : "Stronghold" : 0		// capturing the opponent's stronghold wins the game
		2 : "Not Capturable" : 0	// if set, this capture point cannot be taken by another team
		4 : "Capture Once" : 0		// once captured by the other team, this spawn point becomes not capturable
		8 : "Default Spawn" : 0		// if the player has no capture point selected, he will spawn here

	FallbackCapturePoint(target_destination) : "Fallback Capture Point" : "" : "Players will spawn at the fallback CP if this point is taken."

	input SetActive(bool) : "(De)Activates the capture point. Inactive capture points cannot be seen or interacted with."
	input SetCapturable(bool) : "If true, the capture point can be taken. If false, the capture point is permanent."

	output OnBeginCaptureAttempt(void) : "A new capture attempt has been started."
	output OnCaptureAttemptSuccess(void) : "The current capture attempt (not by the initial owners) succeeded."
	output OnCaptureAttemptFailure(void) : "The current capture attempt failed."
	output OnRecaptureAttemptSuccess(void) : "The capture point was re-taken by the initial owners."
	output OnUncaptureAttemptSuccess(void) : "The capture point was uncaptured (goes to neutral)."

@PointClass base(PlayerClass, Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") = info_player_teamspawn : "Spawn point which can be linked to a team."
	StartDisabled(integer) : "Start Disabled" : 0 : "Begin disabled."
	TeamNum(choices) : "Team Number" : "2" =
		0 : "Unassigned"
		2 : "Undead Team"
		3 : "Human Team"
	CapturePoint(target_destination) : "Capture Point" : "" : "Name of the capture point entity to which this spawn belongs."

	input Enable(void) : "Enable."
	input Disable(void) : "Disable."
	output OnPlayerSpawn(void) : "A player is spawned at this spawn point."

@SolidClass base(Door, Origin) = func_door_mm : 
	"A brush entity for use as a player-useable door that appears on the hud."
	doorId(string) : "The id of this door"

@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) cylinder(255 255 255, targetname, target, radius, targetname, targetname, radius) color(255 192 0) size(16 16 16) = c_env_path :
	"Waypoint on a path."
	Next(target_destination) : "Next" : "" : "Name of the next waypoint along the path."
	AltNext(target_destination) : "AltNext" : "" : "Name of the alternate next path waypoint."
	Condition(string) : "Condition" : "" : "If this condition is true, the alternate path is chosen. Example: 'team(castle_capture_point) == 2'"

	Anim(string) : "Animation" : "" : "The animation to play on any entities passing through this waypoint."
	Sound(string) : "Sound" : "" : "The sound that any entities passing through this waypoint should play."

	Speed(float) : "Speed" : "0" : "Speed in inches/sec when moving through this point (0 = use default)."

@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles, Studiomodel) = c_env_frou_frou : "Client-only graphical finery."
	DefaultAnim(string) : "Default Animation" : "" : "The name of the idle animation that this prop will revert to whenever it finishes a random or forced animation."

	RandomAnimation(choices) : "Randomly Animate" : 0 : "If set, this prop will randomly choose and play animations, based upon the times specified in 'Min/Max Random Anim Time'. Inbetween the random animations, it will revert to playing the 'Default Animation'." =
		0: "No"
		1: "Yes"
	MinAnimTime(float) : "Min Random Anim Time" : "5" : "Minimum time between random animations."
	MaxAnimTime(float) : "Max Random Anim Time" : "10" : "Maximum time between random animations."

	PathStart(target_destination) : "Path Start" : "" : "If non-empty, the starting c_env_path for this entity."

	DefaultSpeed(float) : "DefaultSpeed" : "12" : "Default speed in inches/sec."

	// input
	input SetAnimation(string) : "Force the prop to play an animation. The parameter should be the name of the animation."
	input SetDefaultAnimation(string) : "Set the Default Animation to the one specified in the parameter."
	input TurnOn(void)	: "Make the prop visible."
	input TurnOff(void)	: "Make the prop invisible."

	// outputs
	output OnAnimationBegun(void) : "Fired whenever a new animation has begun playing."
	output OnAnimationDone(void) : "Fired whenever an animation is complete."

@PointClass base(c_env_frou_frou, EnableDisable) studioprop() = c_env_paokai : "A flying paokai (client-only effect)."

@PointClass base(c_env_frou_frou, EnableDisable) studioprop() = c_env_particle : "A particle effect (client-only effect)."
	ParticleFilename(string) : "Particle Filename" : "" : "The name of the particle effect that will be created by this entity."