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Logic compare.png
class hierarchy
CLogicCompare defined in logicentities.cpp

logic_compare is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It examines the relationship between two numbers ("value" and "compare value"), and fires appropriate output(s).

The equation is (value - compare value).


Initial value (InitialValue) <integer>
Initial value for the input value.
Compare value (CompareValue) <integer>
The value to compare against.


Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.


SetValue <float>
Set the value that will be compared against the compare value.
SetValueCompare <float>
Set the value that will be compared against the compare value and performs the comparison.
Note.pngNote:Some Health based entities like func_physbox. will base its percentage fromm_iMaxHealth when using OnHealthChanged so any change in health will not be accounted for.
SetCompareValue <float>
Set the compare value.
Force a compare of the input value with the compare value.


OnLessThan <float>
Fired when the input value is less than the compare value. Sends the input value as data.
OnEqualTo <float>
Fired when the input value is equal to the compare value. Sends the input value as data.
OnNotEqualTo <float>
Fired when the input value is different from the compare value. Sends the input value as data.
OnGreaterThan <float>
Fired when the input value is greater than the compare value. Sends the input value as data.