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Software for Imaging

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This is a list of programs that can be used to create and edit Targa TGA images.

  • Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop — The standard image editing tool in the industry, used by professionals all over the world. Very expensive. There is a plugin to read and write VTF files.
  • Paint Shop Pro — A cheap alternative to Adobe Photoshop. For those who don't want to break the bank.
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements — Low-cost, consumer version of Photoshop with high-end features such as colour management removed.
  • Paint.NET Paint.NET — A free .NET-based image manipulation program, available for Windows Windows only. Supports layers, plugins, and themes. There is a plugin to read and write VTF files.
  • Krita - Free and open source digital painting program with pretty decent image manipulation capabilities beyond just painting and authoring.
  • GIMP GIMP — Completely free, open source image editing software available for Windows Windows, Linux Linux, macOS macOS, and other operating systems. Complex to use, but powerful, scriptable and endlessly modifiable. There is a plugin to read and write VTF files.
  • Wally Wally — Simple freeware texture/decals/skining editing program, designed for creating WADs and similar game textures.
  • HDR shop freeware (v1) can read, compile and write high-dynamic range format images.
  • Genetica — A commercial seamless texture editor. Creates tiling textures of all material types.