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CRagdollManager defined in ragdoll_manager.cpp

game_ragdoll_manager is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It is used to control the number of ragdolls in the world, if they are flagged to fade (server-side), for performance reasons.

Note.pngNote:The properties of this entity apply to the whole map. Multiple instances of this entity within a map may cause errors.



Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
Max Ragdoll Count (MaxRagdollCount) <integer>
Sets the max number of ragdolls that can be in the world at a time (if they are flagged to fade). Set to -1 if you want to use the default value (g_ragdoll_maxcount).
Warning.pngWarning:Accepted values range from -32 to 31. Anything over 31 resets back to -32.
Max Ragdoll Count DX8 (MaxRagdollCountDX8) <integer>
Sets the max number of ragdolls that can be in the world at a time on DX8 hardware (if they are flagged to fade). Set to -1 if you want to use the "Max Ragdoll Count" value.
Save Important Ragdolls (SaveImportant) <boolean>
Should the ragdoll manager make sure ally ragdolls aren't deleted?


SetMaxRagdollCount <integer>
Set the Max Ragdoll Count.
SetMaxRagdollCountDX8 <integer>
Set the Max Ragdoll Count on DX8 hardware.

See also