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env_smokestack using the FGD defaults.
class hierarchy
CSmokeStack defined in smokestack.cpp

env_smokestack is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It spits out a constant stream of smoke. You can place up to two env_particlelights near the smoke stack to add ambient light to its particles.



Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
Initial State (InitialState) <choices>
Initial state of the entity.
  • 0: Off
  • 1: On
Spread at the base (BaseSpread) <integer>
Amount of random spread in the origins of the smoke particles when they're spawned.
Spread Speed (SpreadSpeed) <integer>
Amount of random spread in the velocity of the smoke particles after they're spawned.
Speed (Speed) <integer>
The speed at which the smoke particles move after they're spawned.
Particle start size (StartSize) <integer>
Size of the smoke particles when they're first emitted.
Particle end size (EndSize) <integer>
Size of the smoke particles at the point they fade out completely.
Emission rate (Rate) <integer>
Rate at which to emit smoke particles (i.e. particles to emit per second).
Length of smoke trail (JetLength) <integer>
Length of the smokestack. Lifetime of the smoke particles is derived from this & particle speed.
Wind X/Y Angle (WindAngle) <angle>
This specifies the wind direction. It is an angle in the XY plane.
Wind Speed (WindSpeed) <integer>
The strength of the wind.
Particle material (SmokeMaterial) <string>
Material of the smoke particles emitted by this stack.
Twist (Twist) <integer>
The amount, in degrees per second, that the smoke particles twist around the origin.
Roll Speed (Roll) <float>
Amount of roll in degrees per second.
Base Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
The color of the particles.
Translucency (renderamt) <integer>
How much you can see through the particles.
Wind Vector (Wind) <vector> !FGD
Wind direction, not limited to any axis.


Turn on the smokestack.
Turn off the smokestack.
Toggles the smokestack between on and off state.
JetLength <integer>
Sets Length of smoke trail.
Rate <integer>
Sets Emission rate.
Speed <integer>
Sets Speed.
SpreadSpeed <integer>
Sets Spread Speed.
Color <color255> !FGD
Sets Base Color.
Alpha <integer> !FGD
Sets Translucency.