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CEnvLaser defined in EnvLaser.cpp

env_laser is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It creates a laser beam between itself and a given target. The main difference between this entity and env_beam is that a laser will not travel through anything solid.

PlacementTip.gifPlacement Tip:In case the laser doesn't cause damage, make sure the origin is not inside anything solid.
Note.pngNote:If your env_laser doesn't have a targetname it will be automatically turned on when the map starts.



Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
Target of Laser (LaserTarget) <targetname>
Name of entity, or entities, to strike at. The target is randomly chosen if there are multiple entities matching the given name.
Width of Beam (width) <float>
The width of the laser beam, in pixels.
End Sprite (EndSprite) <sprite>
If specified, this sprite will be drawn at the end of the laser beam.


Note.pngNote:Beams are hardcoded in the game DLLs to always use the Additive render mode.
Brightness (1 - 255) (renderamt) <integer>
Misleading name; beam alpha. Invisible when set to 0.
Beam Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Beam color.
Damage/second (damage) <string>
How much damage this beam does per second to things it hits when it is continually on, or instantaneously if it strikes. For continuous damage, the value should be greater than 10 or it may not work.
Note.pngNote:Damage is scaled to the difficulty setting:
  • Easy: 50%
  • Normal: 100%
  • Hard: 150%
HDR color scale (HDRColorScale) <float>
Value to multiply sprite color by when running in HDR mode.
Beam clipping (ClipStyle) <choices>
Select whether you want the beam to clip against geometry or characters.
  • 0: Do not clip (default)
  • 1: Clip to geometry
  • 2: Clip to everything solid
Dissolve Type (dissolvetype) <choices>
If this beam damages and kills something, effects to show around the object.
  • -1: None
  • 0: Energy
  • 1: Heavy Electrical
  • 2: Light Electrical
Amount of noise (0-255) (NoiseAmplitude) <float>
The amount of noise in the beam. 0 is a perfectly straight beam, while the maximum is very jagged. Range: 0 to MAX_BEAM_NOISEAMPLITUDE.
Note.pngNote:The name says the maximum is 255, but by default the maximum value is 64. Values higher than 64 will default to 64.
Sprite Name (texture) <sprite>
The material used to draw the beam.
Texture Scroll Rate (0-100) (TextureScroll) <integer>
Rate at which the beam texture should scroll along the beam. Range: 0 to MAX_BEAM_SCROLLSPEED.
Starting Frame (framestart) <integer>
The frame to start the beam texture on.



  •  [1] : Start On
       Starts the map with the beam turned on.
  •  [2] : Toggle
       Obsolete. Replaced by the Toggle input in the Source I/O system. Used to toggle the beam on and off.
  •  [4] : Random Strike
       When the beam has died, it will strike again randomly within the time set by Strike again time (secs).
  •  [8] : Ring
       Uses the starting and ending points as a diameter, drawing a beam ring between them instead of a straight line.
  •  [16] : StartSparks
       Every time the beam strikes or is turned on, the beam temporarily emits a small shower of sparks at its Start Entity.
  •  [32] : EndSparks
       Every time the beam strikes or is turned on, the beam temporarily emits a small shower of sparks at its Ending Entity.
  •  [64] : Decal End
       Places a decal scorch mark where a damaging beam hits the first solid object (world brush or entity). Refer to the Decal Name keyvalue to set the decal you wish to appear at the end of the beam.
  •  [128] : Shade Start
       The beam fades out toward its Start Entity. Overrides Shade End. Does not work on striking beams or beam rings.
  •  [256] : Shade End
       The beam fades out toward its Ending Entity. Is overridden by Shade Start. Does not work on striking beams (Life > 0) or beam rings.
  •  [512] : Taper Out
       Makes the beam taper out into a point towards its Ending Entity. Does not work on striking beams (Life > 0) or beam rings.
Note.pngNote:2, 4, 8, 128, 256, and 512 are intended for env_beam. For env_laser, they must be added manually, but may not work correctly.



Turns the beam on.
Turns the beam off.
Toggles the beam between on and off.
Width <float>
Set the width of the beam, in pixels.
Noise <float> !FGD
Set how far away from the middle the beam is allowed to deviate.
Alpha <integer>
Sets the beam's alpha (0 - 255).
Color <color255>
Sets the beam's render color (R G B).
ColorRedValue <float>
Sets the red color channel's value (0 - 255).
ColorGreenValue <float>
Sets the green color channel's value (0 - 255).
ColorBlueValue <float>
Sets the blue color channel's value (0 - 255).
ScrollSpeed <float>
Set the scroll speed in units per second (0 - 100).

See also