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Creating Portal turrets/en

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Portal Level Creation

Portal Rocket/bullet turrets are very easy to add to your Portal map.

Bullet (floor) turrets

Aperture Science floor turret
  1. Select the entity tool (Shift + E) and in the dropdown menu select npc_portal_turret_floor.
  2. Then place it where you would like it on the map and rotate it so it's facing the correct direction.
  3. Right-click on it and go to Properties.

Additionally, you can create a box around your turret to prevent it from being knocked down.

Rocket turrets

Aperture Science Rocket Turret
  1. Select the entity tool (Shift + E) and in the dropdown menu select npc_rocket_turret.
  2. Then place it where you would like it on the map and rotate it so it's facing the correct direction.
Note.pngNote:Under Flags, check Disabled if you don't want it to be active right away.
Blank image.pngTodo: Explain how to carve hole in ground for turret to recede into when disabled

See also