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Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools/Level Design/Compiling

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Note.pngNote:Placeholder page right now, plan on going over the different compile settings featured in the new toolset and going into detail on things to check post-compile as well as ways other useful information on things to ensure a good looking compile. Not all pages are fully created yet.

Different types of compiling

There are 4 different types of compiling in the Source 2 Hammer Editor.

  • Full Compile - This compiles all of the lighting in the Level. Used to check the lighting of the level
  • Fast Compile - This only compiles the layout of the level, not the lighting. Used to make sure the layout of the level is correct.
  • Final Compile - This compiles all parts of the level, like the finished level. Used to upload the final map compile to the workshop.
  • Custom Settings - This allows you to customise all of the settings to compile. Used to set advanced settings for the compile. Not recommended for beginner users.

Helpful Tips

Some helpful things to look at after running a compile

  • Lightmap - A lightmap.exr file is created in the 🖿\game\csgo_addons\addon_name\_vrad3 folder after a successful VRAD compile that shows exactly how the lightmapper packed your map's face's lighting. This can be extremely helpful in seeing if you have any egregiously large mesh faces eating up precious lightmap space or if you are having weird lighting issues it's a good place to start for figuring out what the problem might be.
  • Visibility - After a successful VIS compile a .los file is created in your 🖿\game\csgo_addons\addon_name\maps folder, this file lets you Load Compiled Vis Data (Map>View Compiled Vis Data) and view the voxels created by VIS during the compile. From here you can look around and make sure there arent any rogue voxels or any other possible VIS related issues. It's also helpful to make sure and verify there are no VIS related issues in game. Further information on this topic and other VIS related topics can be found here
  • Packing - Before publishing a map it is useful to look at the file size usage your map is taken up. Thankfully, the CS2 Workshop Publishing Tool shows you a colorful, helpful bar which will show you exactly what is eating the most of your maps file size. Each individual colored section represents a different content type (.vpk, .vtex_c, .vmat_c, etc) and clicking on Contents will show you a preview of each files size, extension, and path so you can quickly and easily know when a random 8k file has eaten up resources. Another helpful tip, delete or move the .log file from your maps folder. The Workshop Publisher tool will pick up the .log file and add it to your published map which can add hundreds of Mbs when a map is fully finished and ready for release.
CS2 Workshop Publisher.png