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CColorCorrection defined in colorcorrection.cpp
Color correction.png

color_correction is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It loads a color correction lookup table (.raw) and controls its strength. Correction is applied in a sphere surrounding the entity, with a configurable amount of falloff.

In Left 4 Dead Left 4 Deadand Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2, this entity requires at least one fog_volume brush entity textured with the fogvolume material, somewhere on the map.
The flags Master and Simulate client-side must be checked in the main color_correction entity. Additional color_correction entities should be triggered through fog_volume by changing the ColorCorrection Name setting to a color_correction of your choice.

Icon-Bug.pngBug:In Team Fortress 2, color_correction causes control point HUD icons to display improperly. (example).


  •  [1] : Master (Default color correction when used with L4D fog_volume) (in all games since Left 4 Dead)
  •  [2] : Simulate client-side (Must be set when used with L4D fog_volume) (in all games since Left 4 Dead)



Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
Lookup Falloff Start Distance (minfalloff) <float>
Within this range to the entity, the effect will be at full strength. If this is larger than the End Distance, the effect will apply to the entire map.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Does not work properly in Left 4 Dead 2. If set, the Color correction inside the fog_volume will not work at all!
Lookup Falloff End Distance (maxfalloff) <float>
Maximum distance from the entity that the effect is applied. At this distance, the effect is barely apparent but will strengthen as the viewer approaches the Start Distance.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Does not work properly in Left 4 Dead 2. If set, the Color correction inside the fog_volume will not work at all!
Maximum Weight (maxweight) <float>
This is the maximum weight for this lookup.
Note.pngNote:This value sets the strength of the color correction. 0,00 to 1,00
Lookup Fade In Duration (fadeInDuration) <float>
When the entity becomes Enabled, how long the effect takes to fade in. (In seconds)
Lookup Fade out Duration (fadeOutDuration) <float>
When the entity becomes Disabled, how long the effect takes to fade out. (In seconds)
Lookup Table Filename (filename) <string>
Pathfile from the mod folder to the .raw to reference. For info on making a file, see color correction. Example path for a file in the hl2 materials folder: materials/colorcorrection.raw
Exclusive (exclusive) <boolean> (in all games since Left 4 Dead)
An exclusive color_correction entity disables and fades out all other color corrections when it is enabled. There should only be one active exclusive color_correction ent at any time.


Start Disabled (StartDisabled) <boolean>
Stay dormant until activated (with theEnableinput).


SetFadeInDuration <float>
Sets the Lookup Fade In Duration.
SetFadeOutDuration <float>
Sets the Lookup Fade out Duration.


Enable/disable this entity from performing its task. It might also disappear from view.

See also