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Ambient generic: stop and toggle fix

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Insert the code that is highlighted, into the CAmbientGeneric::SendSound( SoundFlags_t flags), located in src\game\server\sound.cpp (line 878) to overcome the Sound bug:

	if ( pSoundSource )
		if ( flags == SND_STOP )
			UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(pSoundSource->GetSoundSourceIndex(), pSoundSource->GetAbsOrigin(), szSoundFile, 
						0, SNDLVL_NONE, flags, 0);
			m_fActive = false;
			UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(pSoundSource->GetSoundSourceIndex(), pSoundSource->GetAbsOrigin(), szSoundFile, 
				(m_dpv.vol * 0.01), m_iSoundLevel, flags, m_dpv.pitch);

			// Only mark active if this is a looping sound.
			// If not looping, each trigger will cause the sound to play.
			// If the sound is still playing from a previous trigger press, 
			// it will be shut off and then restarted.
			if ( m_fLooping )
				m_fActive = true;
		if ( ( flags == SND_STOP ) && 
			( m_nSoundSourceEntIndex != -1 ) )
			UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(m_nSoundSourceEntIndex, GetAbsOrigin(), szSoundFile, 
					0, SNDLVL_NONE, flags, 0);
			m_fActive = false;

This moves the job of setting m_fActive to the very top of the chain, denying any ambient_generic function wriggle room to escape it!

This opens up the use of the volume and pitch inputs, and allows you to safely start a sound with a map.

See also