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Compiles the texture to be used for a Trigger

Generally "Tools/toolstrigger" could be used for any trigger, but if a mod/map has multiple types of brush entities that use Tools/toolstrigger, one could make multiple tool textures to differentiate the types of entities easier, such as trigger_hurt, trigger_once, trigger_multiple, parallax_obb, etc.

Note.pngNote:Different textures will have no functional effect, unless paired with other Shader Parameters.


Example uses Shader-ball.png LightmappedGeneric, however Shader-ball.png UnlitGeneric also works as well.

 	$translucent 1
 	$basetexture "Tools/toolstrigger"
 	"srgb?$basetexture" "Tools/toolstrigger-dx10"
 	"%compiletrigger" 1
 	"%keywords" "airexchange,borealis,c17downtown,c17industrial,c17sewers,c17skyscraper,c17trainstation,combine,kraken,wasteland"