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List of L4D2 Instructor Messages

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English (en)中文 (zh)

This is a list of instructor lessons that you can make appear by entering their name in the event_name field of an info_game_event_proxy.

env_instructor_hint is available in L4D2 for custom instructor messages, but multi-language support is not available.

Note.pngNote:If you want to test any of these out, make sure you first open your save/game_instructor_counts.txt file and delete the contents, or load up the game and enter gameinstructor_reset_counts in the console.
This is because after seeing the same tip a few times, the game stops showing that tip.
Note.pngNote:In order to make any of these appear, you must enable the Fire Event When First Seen flag of the info_game_event_proxy.
It has not yet been tested which ones work and which ones don't.
Tip.pngTip:You may want to search this page using Ctrl&F for terms you're interested in, like "Rescue" or "Alarm" to easily find messages that contain the words you want.
Should you be unable to find a message with the exact wording you want, you'll need to use env_instructor_hint to make a custom message.

Below is a list of all lessons, taken from the language file left4dead2_english.txt. All of these will be (or should be) translated into other language via their localization settings.
The lessons that contain %s1 are meant to mention a target player. These will probably not work for info_game_event_proxy, but they're still listed here for completion sake.

Finale & Rescue Lessons

Lesson Name Text Shown
explain_c3m4_radio1 Call for a boat rescue
explain_c3m4_rescue The rescue boat has arrived, get on board!
explain_vehicle_arrival Hurry to the rescue vehicle!
board_chopper Rescue has arrived! Get aboard!
explain_pre_radio Answer the radio
explain_radio Summon a rescue
explain_radio2 Prepare yourself before you respond
explain_rescue Rescue Survivors
notify_awaiting_rescue You will be rescued soon
survive_rescue Rescue is coming! Defend yourselves!
Survive_Gauntlet Make your way to the helicopter on the other side

Event & Action Lessons

Lesson Name Text Shown
ability_out_of_range Get closer — that target is out of range
explain_c1m4_finale1 You'll need to fill the car with gas
explain_c1m4_finale2 Step 1: Find a gas can
explain_c1m4_finale3 Step 2: Bring the gas can to the car
explain_c2m4_ticketbooth Press the button to open the gates
explain_c3m4_radio2 Respond to Virgil
explain_c4m4_finale_no_gas You should bring the gas can here before you flip the switch
explain_c4m4_finale_start Signal the boat with the Burger Tank sign
explain_carousel_destination Shut down the carousel
explain_carousel_start Turn on the power to open the gate
explain_carousel_start2 Run to the control booth to shut down the carousel
explain_coaster Power up the coaster to start the ride
explain_coaster_stop Deactivate the ride to stop the alarm
explain_deactivate_alarm Deactivate the alarm to open the exit doors
explain_decon Release door to exit the trailer
explain_decon_wait Close the door when everyone is in the trailer
explain_drawbridge Press the button to lower the drawbridge
explain_ferry Call the ferry
explain_float Move the float
explain_gates_are_open The gates are open, run for the safe room!
explain_gun_shop Talk to the gun shop owner
explain_gun_shop_tanker Whitaker will destroy this tanker and clear the path
explain_hatch Open the hatch
explain_help_return_item Escort the cola delivery
explain_hotel_elevator_doors Pry open the doors to escape...
explain_mall_alarm Deactivate the alarm on the third floor
explain_mall_window Shoot out the store window
explain_perimeter1 Alarm will sound when perimeter is breached
explain_perimeter2 Run to the security tower to deactivate the alarm
explain_pre_drawbridge Use the radio to call for help
explain_return_item Deliver the cola to the gun shop owner
explain_shack Lower the bridge
explain_stage_finale_start Begin the rock concert to signal the chopper
explain_stage_lighting Prepare the stage lighting
explain_stage_lighting Set the stage lighting
explain_stage_survival_start Begin the rock concert...
explain_store_alarm Open the store door...
explain_store_item Retrieve the cola inside the store
explain_survival_help_alarm Activate the alarm...
explain_survival_help_button Press the button...
explain_survival_help_radio Use the radio...
temp_msg_c4m1 Go get fuel and return to the boat
temp_msg_c4m3 You got the fuel — Return to the boat
explain_bridge Close the floodgate to make a bridge...
explain_church_door Tell him to let you in the safe room...
explain_close_safe_room Close the door once everyone is in
explain_crane Use the lever to lower the crane...
explain_elevator_button Call the elevator...
explain_emergency_door Open the emergency door...
explain_enter_safe_room Get into the safe room
explain_gas_can_panic Destroy the barricade...
explain_gas_truck Activate the fuel pump
explain_lift_button Start the lift...
explain_mainstreet Lower the forklift to make a ramp...
explain_panic_button Flip the door switch...
explain_panic_button2 Be ready to fight the horde
explain_panic_disturbance_triggered2 Here they come...
explain_train_lever Hit the bridge with the decoupled train car...
explain_use_door Open/close door
explain_van_panic Start the van to clear a path...
explain_wait_to_exit_safe_room Not all of your teammates are ready
explain_wait_to_push_button Wait for everyone to be ready first
rescued_by %s1 rescued you
rescued_other You rescued %s1
revive_end Hold to revive %s1
saved_by %s1 saved you
saved_other You saved %s1

Weapons & Items

Lesson Name Text Shown
explain_ammo_pile_failure You cannot refill the ammo of this weapon.
explain_explosive_ammo_available Explosive Ammo Available
explain_explosive_ammo_received You picked up Explosive Ammunition
explain_gun_shop_item Cola
explain_gun_shop_item_get Get the cola
explain_incendiary_ammo_available Incendiary Ammo Available
explain_incendiary_ammo_received You picked up Incendiary Ammunition
explain_laser_sight_available Laser Sight Upgrade Available
explain_laser_sight_received The Laser Sight upgrade makes your weapon more accurate
explain_magnum_pistol Magnum Pistol
explain_magnum_pistol_alt Desert Cobra Pistol
explain_magnum_pistol_get Get magnum pistol
explain_magnum_pistol_get_alt Get Desert Cobra
explain_mounted_gun_overheated The gun has temporarily overheated and is unusable!
explain_replace_ammo Fully-Loaded %s1
explain_replace_ammo_get Replace your low-ammo weapon
explain_trade_melee_for_magnum_pistol Trade melee weapon for magnum pistol
explain_upgrade Upgrade Item Available
explain_use_mounted_gun Heavy Machine Gun
explain_2nd_pistol Second Pistol
explain_2nd_pistol_get Get second pistol
explain_adrenaline Adrenaline
explain_adrenaline_get Get adrenaline
explain_ammo_pack Ammo Pack
explain_ammo_pack_get Get ammo pack
explain_ammo_resupply Ammo stash
explain_ammo_resupply_get Replenish ammo
explain_autoshotgun Tactical Shotgun
explain_autoshotgun_get Get tactical shotgun
explain_chainsaw Chainsaw
explain_chainsaw_get Get chainsaw
explain_defibrillator Defibrillator
explain_defibrillator_get Get defibrillator
explain_first_aid First aid
explain_first_aid_get Get first aid
explain_grenade_launcher Grenade Launcher
explain_grenade_launcher_get Get Grenade Launcher
explain_grenade_limit You can only carry one throwable item
explain_heal_interrupted Hold %+attack% to heal yourself
explain_heal_other_interrupted Hold %+attack2% to heal %s1
explain_hunting_rifle Hunting Rifle
explain_hunting_rifle_get Get hunting rifle
explain_inventory Select weapon/item
explain_melee Melee Weapon
explain_melee_get Get melee weapon
explain_molotov Molotov
explain_molotov_get Get molotov
explain_pickup_item Pick up
explain_pills Pain Pills
explain_pills_get Get pain pills
explain_pipebomb Pipe Bomb
explain_pipebomb_get Get pipe bomb
explain_pistol Pistol
explain_pistol_ammo Pistols have unlimited ammo
explain_pumpshotgun Pump Shotgun
explain_pumpshotgun_get Get pump shotgun
explain_reload Manual reload
explain_rifle M-16 Assault Rifle
explain_rifle_ak47 AK-47
explain_rifle_ak47_alt Soviet Rifle
explain_rifle_ak47_get Get AK-47
explain_rifle_ak47_get_alt Get soviet rifle
explain_rifle_desert Combat Rifle
explain_rifle_desert_alt Desert Combat Rifle
explain_rifle_desert_get Get combat rifle
explain_rifle_desert_get_alt Get desert combat rifle
explain_rifle_get Get M-16 assault rifle
explain_rifle_zoom Hunting/sniper rifle scope
explain_shotgun_chrome Chrome Shotgun
explain_shotgun_chrome_get Get chrome shotgun
explain_shotgun_spas Combat Shotgun
explain_shotgun_spas_get Get combat shotgun
explain_smg Submachine Gun
explain_smg_get Get submachine gun
explain_smg_silenced Silenced Submachine Gun
explain_smg_silenced_get Get silenced submachine gun
explain_sniper_military Sniper Rifle
explain_sniper_military_get Get sniper rifle
explain_trade_melee_for_pistol Trade melee weapon for pistol
explain_upgradepack_explosive Explosive Ammo Pack
explain_upgradepack_explosive_get Get Explosive Ammo Pack
explain_upgradepack_incendiary Incendiary Ammo Pack
explain_upgradepack_incendiary_get Get Incendiary Ammo Pack
explain_use_turret Use turret
explain_vomitjar Boomer Bile
explain_vomitjar_get Get Boomer Bile
explain_weapon Weapon
upgradepack_usage Deploy Ammo Packs on the ground to share ammo with the team

Survivor Lessons

Lesson Name Text Shown
notify_failed_to_give_duplicate_pills %s1 already has pain pills
notify_failed_to_use_explosive_ammo_pile You have already used this Explosive Ammo upgrade
notify_failed_to_use_incendiary_ammo_pile You have already used this Incendiary Ammo upgrade
notify_failed_to_use_pills You don't need to take pain pills
notify_upgrade_failed_no_primary You must have a primary weapon to use this upgrade
notify_given_item_pain_pills %s1 gave you pain pills
notify_heal_other Heal %s1 with first aid
notify_heal_other_far Move closer to heal %s1
notify_heal_other_near Hold %+attack2% to heal %s1
notify_heal_other_near_select Select first aid kit
notify_heal_self Heal yourself with first aid
notify_heal_self_hold Hold %+attack% to heal yourself
notify_infected_behind Face rear enemies
notify_pill_self Take pain pills for a temporary health boost
notify_shove_boomer Shove Boomers back before shooting
notify_shove_infected Shove them back!
notify_communicate Communicate with teammates
notify_crouch_accuracy Crouching improves accuracy
notify_crouch_tactic Crouching helps teammates shoot over you
explain_friendly_fire Don't shoot teammates!
explain_friendly_fire_melee Don't attack teammates!
explain_reckless Stay out of the line of fire!
notify_last_life First aid needed! Next knockdown means death...
notify_fire_damage Get away from the fire!
notify_stay_together Stay together to survive
notify_failed_to_use_defibrillator %s1 doesn't need to be revived
notify_use_defibrillator Revive %s1 with the defibrillator
notify_use_defibrillator_hold Hold %+attack% or %+attack2% to revive %s1
defibrillator_usage Use the Defibrillator to revive dead players
help_it A Boomer has vomited on %s1
help_choked A Smoker is constricting %s1
help_choked_near Free %s1
help_choked_far Shoot the Smoker
help_pounced A Hunter has pinned %s1
help_pounced_near Shove the Hunter
help_pounced_far Shoot the Hunter
help_jockey_ridden A Jockey is riding %s1
help_jockey_ridden_near Shove the Jockey
help_jockey_ridden_far Shoot the Jockey
help_charger_pummeled A Charger is pummeling %s1
help_charger_pummeled_kill Kill the Charger
explain_tank Tanks can absorb a lot of damage before they die
notify_give_pills You can give %s1 pain pills
notify_give_pills_far Move closer to give %s1 pain pills
notify_give_pills_near Give %s1 pain pills
notify_give_pills_near_select Select pain pills
explain_pill_temp_health Pain pills give you a temporary health boost
notify_ledge A teammate must pull you up
help_incapacitated Help %s1 up
help_ledge Pull %s1 up
notify_dead You died! Please wait to respawn...
notify_dead_by_witch1 The Witch killed you! Don't startle her next time...
notify_dead_by_witch2 Witches are startled by flashlights and gunfire
notify_incapacitated Incapacitated! A teammate must help you
notify_incapacitated_by_witch The Witch injured you! Don't startle her next time...
notify_it1_vomit A Boomer vomited on you
notify_it1_splatter A Boomer exploded on you
notify_it1_jar A Survivor bile bombed you
notify_it2 Watch out! Boomer bile attracts the horde...
notify_pounced Pinned! A teammate must help...
notify_choked Constricted! A teammate must help...
notify_charger_pummeled Pummeled! A teammate must help...
notify_adrenaline_self Take adrenaline for a temporary speed boost
notify_given_item_adrenaline %s1 gave you adrenaline
notify_give_adrenaline You can give %s1 your adrenaline
notify_give_adrenaline_far Move closer to give %s1 your adrenaline
notify_give_adrenaline_near Give %s1 your adrenaline
notify_give_adrenaline_near_select Select adrenaline
adrenaline_usage Adrenaline lets you perform many actions faster
notify_failed_to_give_duplicate_belt_item %s1 already has a belt slot item
explain_panic_disturbance Watch out! Some cars set off alarms...
explain_panic_disturbance_triggered %s1 alerted the horde
explain_panic_disturbance_triggered2 Here they come...
explain_witch_spooked %s1 startled the Witch
explain_witch_spooked2 You startled the Witch
save_items You may want to save some items for the return trip
explain_return_to_elevator Return to the elevator!
porch_light Turn on porch lights to mark locations with items
explain_acid_spit Try to avoid the noxious acid!
notify_entered_spit Avoid the noxious acid!
notify_ridden Keep moving! Resist the Jockey's influence...

Survival Lessons

Lesson Name Text Shown
earned_bronze_medal You earned the bronze medal!
earned_silver_medal You earned the silver medal!
earned_gold_medal You earned the gold medal!
player_record You beat your best time!
team_record You beat your team record!
world_record You beat the world record!

Misc Lessons

Lesson Name Text Shown
notify_give_ammo_other_near Hold %+attack2% to give ammo to %s1
notify_give_ammo_self Refill your ammo with the ammo pack
notify_give_ammo_self_hold Hold %+attack% to refill your ammo
notify_failed_to_use_ammo_pack_no_weapon_on_other %s1 doesn't need ammo right now
notify_failed_to_use_ammo_pack_no_weapon_on_self You don't need ammo right now
notify_failed_to_use_ammo_pack_full_on_other %s1 already has full ammo
notify_failed_to_use_ammo_pack_full_on_self You already have full ammo
notify_failed_to_use_ammo_pack_doesnt_use_ammo You don't need ammo right now
notify_failed_to_use_ammo_pack_other_doesnt_use_ammo %s1 doesn't need ammo right now
explain_survivor_glows_disabled Glows around fellow Survivors are disabled!
explain_item_glows_disabled Glows around items are disabled. Search carefully!
explain_rescue_disabled Rescues are disabled. Players can only respawn at safe rooms.
explain_bodyshots_reduced Zombies take less damage to the body. Aim for the head!
explain_witch_kills The Witch will kill you instantly. Watch out for her!
notify_grenade_launcher_range Ouch! You are too close to your grenade launcher blasts!
explain_impound_lot Watch your fire! Car alarms everywhere!


Lesson Name Text Shown
explain_scavenge_goal_survivor Collect gas cans and pour them into the generator...
explain_scavenge_goal_infected Stop the survivors before they collect all of the gas cans
begin_scavenge_overtime_survivor OVERTIME: At least one survivor must be carrying a gas can!
begin_scavenge_overtime_infected OVERTIME: Force all survivors to drop their gas cans!
scavenge_score_tied One more point and the survivors win this round!
exaplin_scavenge_leave_area Leaving this area will start the round
explain_scavenge_vulnerable_cans Dropped gas cans are vulnerable to Spitter goo
explain_gascan_pour_blocked Wait! someone else is still pouring...

Infected Lessons

Lesson Name Text Shown
tongue_break_bent Tongue broke! It bent or stretched too far...
tongue_break_shove Tongue broke! Victim was shoved...
tongue_break_shot Tongue broke! It was damaged...
break_checkpoint_door YOU CAN'T BREAK DOWN SAFE ROOM DOORS
notify_choked_miss Missed: No target
notify_riding_survivor Steer the Survivor into danger

See also