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Dean Dejong

I work at


You can contact me using this email: [email protected]

My Steam Account


Dean started playing computer games on mainframe computers in the mid ‘70’s at The Evergreen State College while in Jr. High and has never stopped. After getting a pair of degrees in optics from the University of Rochester, he dove into work at Boeing on the expansion pack to the most expensive game ever developed. The game was “Global Thermonuclear War” AKA “The Cold War” and the expansion pack was “Strategic Defense Initiative” colloquially known as Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars.” Over time Dean slid over to work on developing techniques for optically measuring jet engines exhaust, shockwaves, vibration, liquid flow, supercool water sprays, unexploded munitions, and even crops. He then opted to switch gears to work on a far more important project – he became a stay-at-home dad. After a more than a few years of raising his three daughters, Dean’s wife decided it was her turn to experience the thrills and spills of being a stay-at-home parent. Dean leaped into a position of designing and building see-through, head mounted displays using scanned laser beams for a half-dozen years. When Valve invited him to join the team here, Dean jumped in without hesitation and began his never ending quest to reward the community of Valve customers with awesome experiences.