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Info node hint.png

info_node_hint is a point entity available in all Source Source games except Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series. A hint node that is also a Ground navigation node. Full range of hint_types.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:This is a preserved entity in Counter-Strike: SourceHalf-Life 2: DeathmatchDay of Defeat: SourcePortalTeam Fortress 2Portal 2Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
  • On a new round entities with this classname will intentionally not reset. You can use logic_auto to emulate resetting it.
  • Killing it removes it forever, as it is not respawned on a new round.
  • It cannot be spawned with a point_template.
  • Parenting this with non preserved entities may have undesirable effects.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Hint (hinttype) <integer choices>
Hint type
Hint types
  • 0 : None
  • 2 : World: Window
  • 12 : World: Act Busy Hint
  • 13 : World: Visually Interesting
  • 14 : World: Visually Interesting (Don't aim at)
  • 15 : World: Inhibit Combine Mines within 15 feet
  • 16 : World: Visually Interesting (Stealth mode)
  • 100 : Crouch Cover Medium
  • 101 : Crouch Cover Low
  • 102 : Waste Scanner Spawn
  • 103 : Entrance / Exit Pinch
  • 105 : Enemy Disadvantage Point
  • 106 : Health Kit
  • 400 : Antlion: Burrow Point
  • 401 : Antlion: Thumper Flee Point
  • 450 : Headcrab: Burrow Point
  • 451 : Headcrab: Exit Pod Point
  • 500 : Roller: Patrol Point
  • 501 : Roller: Cleanup Spot
  • 700 : Crow: Fly to point
  • 701 : Crow: Perch point
  • 900 : Follower: Wait point
  • 901 : Override jump permission
  • 902 : Player squad transition point
  • 903 : NPC exit point
  • 904 : Strider node
  • 950 : Player Ally: Push away destination
  • 951 : PLayer Ally: Fear withdrawal destination
  • 1000 : HL1 World: Machinery
  • 1001 : HL1 World: Blinking Light
  • 1002 : HL1 World: Human Blood
  • 1003 : HL1 World: Alien Blood
Hint Activity (hintactivity) <string>
Activity associated with this hint node. Various parts of the NPC AI play this activity at times. i.e. Actbusy nodes will play this activity when an NPC acts busy on the node.
Node FOV (nodeFOV) <integer choices>
Imagine this node requires that an NPC be in the node's field of view in order to use this hint.
  • 45 : 45 Degrees
  • 90 : 90 Degrees
  • 180 : 180 Degrees
  • 360 : 360 Degrees
Start Hint Disabled (StartHintDisabled) <boolean>
Spawn the hint disabled.
Hint Group (Group) <string>
If specified, gives the hint a specific group name. Useful for hint nodes that need to be logically grouped together. NPCs may also refuse to use hint nodes that don't match their hint group.
Target node (TargetNode) <node_dest>
The node ID of an associated target node, if any.
Ignore Facing (IgnoreFacing) <integer choices>
Don't pay attention to the facing of the node. May not apply to a given hint type.
  • 0 : No
  • 1 : Yes
  • 2 : Default
Radius (radius) <integer>
Allows hints to only be usable in a pre-defined radius(in all games since Alien Swarm)(also in Mapbase)
Weight (hintweight) <integer>
Allows NPCs to prefer certain hints over others (only in Mapbase)
Minimum State (MinimumState) <integer choices>
Require an NPC have a minimum state to use the hint.
  • 1 : Idle
  • 2 : Alert
  • 3 : Combat
Maximum State (MaximumState) <integer choices>
Require an NPC have a maximum state to use the hint.
  • 1 : Idle
  • 2 : Alert
  • 3 : Combat
Node ID (nodeid) <integer>
Read-only internal Hammer value.


  •  Allow jump up : [65536]


Enable hint.
Disable hint.


OnNPCStartedUsing <string>
Fired when an NPC has reached this node and started using it. Passes along the NPC.
OnNPCStoppedUsing <string>
Fired when an NPC has stopped using this node. Passes along the NPC.

See Also