Func timescale/en

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Adjust the time scale of the server and client.



Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
Desired timescale (desiredTimescale) <float>
Time scale to blend towards, this is a multiplicative value where 1.0 is normal time, 0.5 is half speed, 2.0 is double speed.
Acceleration per second (acceleration) <float>
How quickly the change per second goes up to the max.
Minimum blend per second (minBlendRate) <float>
Minimum change per second when blending from the current timescale to the desired.
Perframe delta multiplier (blendDeltaMultiplier) <float>
The per frame delta between desired and current is multiplied by this to get the maximum change per second.


Start blending to the desired timescale.
Stop and blend back to the default timescale (1.0f).
Reset immediately to normal timescale (1.0f).

See also