Valve Developer Community:Searching

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To search for something in the Valve Developer Community, simply type what you are searching for in the Search bar on the left-hand side of any page and click Search.

Search Plugin

Searching The Valve Developers Community can also be accomplished directly through the built in Mozilla Firefox search bar using a search plugin. This can be added into Firefox by saving this .xml document into your \searchplugins\ folder. This has been successfully tested with Firefox 2, Firefox 3 RC1, and Minefield version 3.0 pre (as of May 21 2008).

A picture of The Valve Developers Community search plugin for Mozilla Firefox.


Abstract Mapping

Know what concept you want to add to your map (e.g. rain, sky, etc), but not sure exactly what entities you need to use? Abstract Mapping helps modders transform their abstract ideas into entities, brushes, and I/O.

Abstract Coding

Abstract Mapping's programmer sibling, Abstract Coding makes abstract ideas into code.


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