Talk:Counter-Strike: Global Offensive PickEm Fantasy Management

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State of Pick'Em API in 2021

Hi all. I'm trying to figure out how the UploadTournamentPredictions/v1 API works, as this documentation is from 2016, and since the overhaul of the stages in 2018, it has seemingly changed a lot.

  1. What is the API contract for uploading tournament predictions in the Preliminary and Group stages?
  2. Do we still need itemids (as GetTOurnamentItems still works for the most recent eventid=18 (PGL Stockholm 2021)?
  3. What is the API contract for uploading tournament predictions in the Quarters, Semis, and Final stages (I assume it's a single API call)?

Best regards,

--Mave (talk) 06:00, 19 November 2021 (PST)