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This entity is
not in the
FGD by default.
It should not be put directly in a map.
is a point entity available in Left 4 Dead series and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It's the entity that spawns after a molotov_projectile breaks.
Cvar/Command | Parameters or default value | Descriptor | Effect |
inferno_acid_spawn_angle | 120 | | Angular change from parent |
inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier | 1 | | Amount spawn interval increases for each child |
inferno_child_spawn_max_depth | 4 | | |
inferno_damage | 40 | | Damage per second |
inferno_debug | 0 | | |
inferno_dlight_spacing | 200 | | Inferno dlights are at least this far apart |
inferno_dlights | 30 | | Min FPS at which molotov dlights will be created |
inferno_entity_flame_scale | 0 | | |
inferno_fire | 2 | | |
inferno_flame_lifetime | 15 | | Average lifetime of each flame in seconds |
inferno_flame_spacing | 50 | | Minimum distance between separate flame spawns |
inferno_forward_reduction_factor | 0.9 | | |
inferno_friendly_fire_duration | 6 | | For this long, FF is credited back to the thrower. |
inferno_initial_spawn_interval | 0.05 | | Time between spawning flames for first fire |
inferno_max_child_spawn_interval | 1 | | Largest time interval for child flame spawning |
inferno_max_flames | 32 | | Maximum number of flames that can be created |
inferno_max_range | 500 | | Maximum distance flames can spread from their initial ignition point |
inferno_max_trace_per_tick | 16 | | |
inferno_per_flame_spawn_duration | 5 | | Duration each new flame will attempt to spawn new flames |
inferno_scorch_decals | 0 | | |
inferno_spawn_angle | 45 | | Angular change from parent |
inferno_surface_offset | 20 | | |
inferno_velocity_decay_factor | 0.2 | | |
inferno_velocity_factor | 0.003 | | |
inferno_velocity_normal_factor | 0 | | |
See Also