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Name (targetname) <string简体中文> | 字符串
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.

Parent (parentname) <targetname> | 目标名
Specifies a movement parent. An entity will maintain its initial offset from its parent. An attachment point can be added to the end of the name, separated by a comma.

Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.

Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
Various somewhat legacy alpha effects.
Render Effects
Icon-Bug.png错误:Alpha effects from 0 to 10 are unavailable due to the bug in code in 反恐精英:全球攻势 反恐精英:全球攻势
  • 0: None
  • 1: Slow Pulse (varies alpha by ±16 over a period of 1.5 s)
  • 2: Fast Pulse (varies alpha by ±16 over a period of 0.4 s)
  • 3: Slow Wide Pulse (varies alpha by ±64 over a period of 1.5 s)
  • 4: Fast Wide Pulse (varies alpha by ±64 over a period of 0.4 s)
  • 5: Slow Fade Away (decreases alpha by -1 per frame/(in all games since 求生之路) Fades out over 4 s)
  • 6: Fast Fade Away (decreases alpha by -4 per frame/(in all games since 求生之路) Fades out over 1 s)
  • 7: Slow Become Solid (increases alpha by +1 per frame/(in all games since 求生之路) Fades in over 4 s)
  • 8: Fast Become Solid (increases alpha by +4 per frame/(in all games since 求生之路) Fades in over 1 s)
  • 9: Slow Strobe (transparent 0.8 s, visible 0.8 s, repeat)
  • 10: Fast Strobe (transparent 0.2 s, visible 0.2 s, repeat)
  • 11: Faster Strobe (transparent 0.09 s, visible 0.09 s, repeat)
  • 12: Slow Flicker (transparent 0.18 s, visible 1.5 s, repeat)
  • 13: Fast Flicker (transparent 0.14 s, visible 0.2 s, repeat)
  • 14: Constant Glow ("NoDissipation;" purpose uncertain—for sprites?) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
  • 15: Distort (causes unnatural flickering and position shifting)/(in all games since 求生之路) Fade Out (instant; not very useful outside of code)
  • 16: Hologram (Distort + "distance fade")/(in all games since 求生之路) Fade In (instant; not very useful outside of code)
  • 17: Scale Up ("Explode"/"scale up really big!" causes wild stretching of model parts) (in 起源2013)/Fade Wider Pulse (varies alpha by ±255 over a period over a period of 0.26 s) (in all games since 求生之路)
    证实:which branches/games is it available in, and where does it do what?
  • 18: Glow Shell (purpose unclear) (in all games since 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
    证实:what does this do? and which games is it in?
  • 19: Clamp Minimum Scale ("keep this sprite from getting very small (SPRITES only!)") (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
  • 20: Environmental Rain ("for environmental rendermode, make rain") (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
    证实:which games? may be nonfunctional.
  • 21: Environmental Snow ("for environmental rendermode, make snow") (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
    证实:which games? may be nonfunctional.
  • 22: Spotlight FX ("TEST CODE for experimental spotlight") (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
  • 23: Ragdoll ("HACKHACK: TEST CODE for signalling death of a ragdoll character;" ragdolls an entity but doesn't kill it) (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
    证实:which games? may be nonfunctional?
  • 24: Fade Wider Pulse (varies alpha by ±255 over a period over a period of 0.26 s) (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
  • 25: kRenderFXMax/Fade Near (removed since 求生之路) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
Blank image.png待完善: what does this do? may be nonfunctional


Render Mode (rendermode) <choices>
Set a non-standard rendering mode on this entity.
Render Modes
  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Color
  • 2: Texture
  • 3: Glow
  • 4: Solid/Alphatest Obsolete
  • 5: Additive
  • 6: Removed, does nothing Obsolete
  • 7: Additive Fractional Frame
  • 8: Alpha Add
  • 9: World Space Glow
  • 10: Don't Render
Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
Various somewhat legacy alpha effects.
Render Effects
Icon-Bug.png错误:Alpha effects from 0 to 10 are unavailable due to the bug in code in 反恐精英:全球攻势 反恐精英:全球攻势
  • 0: None
  • 1: Slow Pulse (varies alpha by ±16 over a period of 1.5 s)
  • 2: Fast Pulse (varies alpha by ±16 over a period of 0.4 s)
  • 3: Slow Wide Pulse (varies alpha by ±64 over a period of 1.5 s)
  • 4: Fast Wide Pulse (varies alpha by ±64 over a period of 0.4 s)
  • 5: Slow Fade Away (decreases alpha by -1 per frame/(in all games since 求生之路) Fades out over 4 s)
  • 6: Fast Fade Away (decreases alpha by -4 per frame/(in all games since 求生之路) Fades out over 1 s)
  • 7: Slow Become Solid (increases alpha by +1 per frame/(in all games since 求生之路) Fades in over 4 s)
  • 8: Fast Become Solid (increases alpha by +4 per frame/(in all games since 求生之路) Fades in over 1 s)
  • 9: Slow Strobe (transparent 0.8 s, visible 0.8 s, repeat)
  • 10: Fast Strobe (transparent 0.2 s, visible 0.2 s, repeat)
  • 11: Faster Strobe (transparent 0.09 s, visible 0.09 s, repeat)
  • 12: Slow Flicker (transparent 0.18 s, visible 1.5 s, repeat)
  • 13: Fast Flicker (transparent 0.14 s, visible 0.2 s, repeat)
  • 14: Constant Glow ("NoDissipation;" purpose uncertain—for sprites?) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
  • 15: Distort (causes unnatural flickering and position shifting)/(in all games since 求生之路) Fade Out (instant; not very useful outside of code)
  • 16: Hologram (Distort + "distance fade")/(in all games since 求生之路) Fade In (instant; not very useful outside of code)
  • 17: Scale Up ("Explode"/"scale up really big!" causes wild stretching of model parts) (in 起源2013)/Fade Wider Pulse (varies alpha by ±255 over a period over a period of 0.26 s) (in all games since 求生之路)
    证实:which branches/games is it available in, and where does it do what?
  • 18: Glow Shell (purpose unclear) (in all games since 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
    证实:what does this do? and which games is it in?
  • 19: Clamp Minimum Scale ("keep this sprite from getting very small (SPRITES only!)") (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
  • 20: Environmental Rain ("for environmental rendermode, make rain") (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
    证实:which games? may be nonfunctional.
  • 21: Environmental Snow ("for environmental rendermode, make snow") (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
    证实:which games? may be nonfunctional.
  • 22: Spotlight FX ("TEST CODE for experimental spotlight") (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
  • 23: Ragdoll ("HACKHACK: TEST CODE for signalling death of a ragdoll character;" ragdolls an entity but doesn't kill it) (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
    证实:which games? may be nonfunctional?
  • 24: Fade Wider Pulse (varies alpha by ±255 over a period over a period of 0.26 s) (in 起源2013) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
  • 25: kRenderFXMax/Fade Near (removed since 求生之路) (not in 反恐精英:全球攻势)
Blank image.png待完善: what does this do? may be nonfunctional
Render FX / Transparency (0 - 255) (renderamt) <integer> | 整数
Transparency amount, requires a Render Mode other than Normal. 0 is invisible, 255 is fully visible.
Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255简体中文>
Color tint.
Disable Receiving Shadows (disablereceiveshadows) <boolean> | 布尔值
Prevent the entity from receiving shadows on itself.

Model <model path> | 模型文件路径

Sequence <integer> | 整数

Skin <integer> | 整数


  • 1 : Not Solid/可穿透,不具备碰撞。


SetSequence <string简体中文> | 字符串

AddOutput<string简体中文> | 字符串
// 更改键值的格式 "AddOutput [键] [值]"
//// 原始文本
"OnUser1" "!self,AddOutput,targetname new_name"

// 添加输出的格式 "AddOutput {目标名称}:{输入名称}:{参数}:{延迟}:{最大触发次数,-1 代表无限}"
//// 原始文本
"OnUser1" "!self:SetParent:!activator:0.0:-1"
// 参数可以留空但仍应包含空的空白
//// 原始文本
"OnUser1" "!self:ClearParent::0.0:-1"
触发OnUser输出; 详见 User Inputs and Outputs
Use 不存在于FGD!
类似于玩家按 +use(使用,默认E按钮); 也许不会做什么事! 也可以通过创建未指定的输入来调用输出。
这个输入不存在于Valve的 FGD中。
RunScriptFile<script> | 脚本 (存在于自 求生之路2 以来)
从硬盘执行一个VScript脚本文件,不带文件后缀名。 会合并接收实体的脚本域。
RunScriptCode<string简体中文> | 字符串 (存在于自 求生之路2 以来)
Icon-Bug.png错误:求生之路2中,该代码是触发输出的实体的脚本域中执行, 接受输入的实体。
Warning.png警告:切勿在此输入的元素内使用字符串!它将破坏VMF ,由嵌套引号引起!你必须用文本编辑器手动删除来修复!
CallScriptFunction<string简体中文> | 字符串 (存在于自 求生之路2 以来) 不存在于FGD!
SetLocalOrigin<coordinates> (in all games since 异形丛生) 不存在于FGD!
SetLocalAngles<angles> (in all games since 异形丛生) 不存在于FGD!

SetParent <string简体中文> | 字符串
Move with this entity. See Entity Hierarchy (parenting).
SetParentAttachment <string简体中文> | 字符串
Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on its parent. The entity will teleport so that the position of its root bone matches that of the attachment. Entities must be parented before being sent this input.
SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset <string简体中文> | 字符串
As above, but without teleporting. The entity retains its position relative to the attachment at the time of the input being received.
Removes this entity from the the movement hierarchy, leaving it free to move independently.


Alpha <integer> | 整数 0-255
Sets the entity's transparency to a number from 0 (invisible) to 255 (fully visible). Requires the entity to have its rendermode set to a number other than 0.
Color <color255简体中文>
Sets an RGB color for the entity.


OnUser1 to OnUser4
These outputs each fire in response to the firing of the like-numbered FireUser1 to FireUser4 Input; see User Inputs and Outputs.
OnKilled  (存在于 求生之路 之中)
This output fires when the entity is killed and removed from the game.
