Portal BTS - Tutorial - Piston Crushers

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Portal Level Creation
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This guide will show you how to create various piston types.

Vertical Pistons

Piston Type 1

Piston Base

Create a prop_static and enter the following properties.

Piston Base
Property Name Value
World Model models/props_bts/vertical_small_piston_base.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes

Piston Model

Piston Body

Create a prop_dynamic and enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Parent crusher_1
World Model models/props_bts/vertical_small_piston_body.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes
Collisions Not Solid
Lighting Origin crusher_lighting_1

Piston Movement

Create a 32*32*288 brush with the nodraw texture and create a 146*146*4 Cylinder with 16 sides with the nodraw texture. Position the brushes as seen in the screenshot.

The func_door positioned

After positioning the brushes, select both brushes and tie them to a func_door and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name crusher_1
Delay Before Reset -1
Lip 128
Blocking Damage 25
Force Closed Yes
Move Direction 90 0 0
My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnFullyClosed relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 Trigger <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyClosed !self Open <none> 2.00 No
Io12.png OnFullyOpen relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 Trigger <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyOpen !self Close <none> 2.00 No

Do not miss the Delay.

Under flags, uncheck Touch Opens and check Door Silent

Piston Collision

The func_brush on the piston body

Create a 146*146*322 cylinder with 16 sides with the playerclip texture and set tie it to a func_brush. Set its parent to crusher_1.

Piston Sounds

Create a logic_relay entity and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name relay_stop_sound_room_1_1
Start Disabled Yes

Enter this output

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnTrigger stop_sound_room_1_1 Playsound <none> 0.00 No

Create an ambient_generic and enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Name stop_sound_room_1_1
Sound Name Portal.giant_piston
Pitch 200
Start Pitch 200
SourceEntityName crusher_1

Crusher Lighting

Create an info_target and set its name to crusher_lighting_1. This is the light source of the piston body model. Place this in a logical spot like near the piston base model.


Completed Piston

To start the piston, enable the relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 entity and open crusher_1. When the player gets considerably far away from the piston, disable the relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 entity

Piston Type 2

Piston Base

These pistons were specifically used to block off an entry in escape_00.

Piston Base

Create a prop_static and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
World Model models/props_bts/vertical_med_piston_base.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes

Piston Body

Piston Body

Create a prop_dynamic and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Parent crusher_blocker_1
World Model models/props_bts/vertical_med_piston_body.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes
Lighting Origin crusher_blocker_lighting_1

Piston Movement

Piston Door

Create a 32*32*384 brush with the invisible texture, tie it to a func_door and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name crusher_blocker_1
Speed 80
Delay Before Reset -1
Lip 288
Blocking Damage 25
Force Closed Yes
Move Direction 90 0 0
My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnFullyClosed relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 Trigger <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyClosed !self Open <none> 2.00 No
Io12.png OnFullyOpen relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 Trigger <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyOpen !self Close <none> 2.00 No

Do not miss the Delay.

Under flags, uncheck Touch Opens, check Passable and Door Silent

Piston Sounds

Create a logic_relay entity and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name relay_stop_sound_room_1_1
Start Disabled Yes

Enter this output

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnTrigger stop_sound_room_1_1 Playsound <none> 0.00 No
Completed Piston

Create an ambient_generic and enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Name stop_sound_room_1_1
Sound Name Portal.giant_piston
Pitch 200
Start Pitch 200
SourceEntityName crusher_blocker_1

Crusher Lighting

Create an info_target and set its name to crusher_blocker_lighting_1. This is the light source of the piston body model. Place this in a logical spot like near the piston base model.


To start the piston, enable the relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 entity and open crusher_blocker_1. When the player gets considerably far away from the piston, disable the relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 entity.

Piston Type 3

This is the most common vertical piston

Piston Base

Create a prop_static and enter the following properties.

Piston Base
Property Name Value
World Model models/props_bts/vertical_large_piston_base.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes

Piston Body

Create a prop_dynamic and enter the following properties.

Piston Body
Property Name Value
Parent crusher_1
World Model models/props_bts/vertical_large_piston_body.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes
Name crusher_brush_1
Lighting Origin crusher_lighting_1

Piston Movement

Piston Door

Create a 32*32*640 brush with the invisible texture and tie it to a func_door.

Property Name Value
Name crusher_1
Speed 90
Delay Before Reset -1
Lip 16
Blocking Damage 25
Force Closed Yes
Move Direction 90 0 0

Enter these outputs:

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnFullyClosed relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 Trigger <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyClosed !self Open <none> 2.00 No
Io12.png OnFullyOpen relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 Trigger <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyOpen !self Close <none> 2.00 No

Do not miss the delays

Under flags, uncheck Touch Opens and check Door Silent

Piston Collision

Piston Brush

Create a 152*152*960 cylinder with 16 sides with the invisible texture and tie it to a func_brush.

Set its parent to crusher_1

Piston Sounds

Create a logic_relay entity and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name relay_stop_sound_room_1_1
Start Disabled Yes

Enter this output

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnTrigger stop_sound_room_1_1 Playsound <none> 0.00 No
Completed Piston

Create an ambient_generic and enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Name stop_sound_room_1_1
Sound Name Portal.giant_piston
Pitch 200
Start Pitch 200
SourceEntityName crusher_1

Crusher Lighting

Create an info_target and set its name to crusher_lighting_1. This is the light source of the piston body model. Place this in a logical spot like near the piston base model.


To start the piston, enable the relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 entity and open crusher_1. When the player gets considerably far away from the piston, disable the relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 entity.

Horizontal Pistons

Fast Piston

Piston Base

Piston Base

Create a prop_static and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Pitch Yaw Roll 90 0 0
World Model models/props_bts/horizontal_piston_base.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes

Piston Body

Piston Body

Create a prop_dynamic and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Pitch Yaw Roll 90 0 0
World Model models/props_bts/horizontal_piston_body.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes
Lighting Origin crusher_lighting01

Piston Movement

While all brushes are selected, tie the selection to a func_door and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name crusher01
Speed 200
Start Sound Doors.Move10
Stop Sound Doors.FullClose10
Delay Before Reset -1
Lip 64
Blocking Damage 100
Force Closed Yes
Move Direction 0 180 0

Enter these outputs:

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnFullyClosed shake_crusher01 StartShake <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyClosed !self Open <none> 2.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyOpen !self Close <none> 2.00 No

Under flags, uncheck Touch Opens and check Door Silent

Piston Lighting

Create an info_target and set its name to crusher_lighting01. This is going to be the lighting origin of the piston body prop. Place it in a reasonable spot.

Piston Pressure Pad

Create a 112*144*4 brush with the nodraw texture. Tie the brush to a func_detail and cut the brush as seen in the image.

Open the Transformation window and type 270under the Y Axis and press OK

Open the Face Edit Sheet select all faces except for the back side. Set the texture to metal/metalwall_bts_004a and set the rotation to 90.

Add an overlay with the overlays/stain_oil_03 texture. Center the overlay with the front face.

Fast Piston

Piston Shake

Create an env_shake and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name shake_crusher01
Effect Radius 496
Frequency 100
Note.pngNote: For the fast piston seen in escape_00, the shake was removed because it likely made it a bit harder to jump on the platform, curiously the entity still exists but it has no inputs.


To start the piston, open crusher_blocker_1. Only start the piston when the player gets considerably close.

Normal Speed Piston

Piston Base

Piston Base

Create a prop_static and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Pitch Yaw Roll 90 0 0
World Model models/props_bts/vertical_med_piston_base.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes

Piston Body

Piston Base

Create a prop_static and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Parent crusher1
Pitch Yaw Roll 90 0 0
World Model models/props_bts/vertical_med_piston_base.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes
Collisions Not Solid

Piston Movement

Piston Door

While both brushes are selected, tie the entity to a func_door. Position the entity as seen in the image and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name crusher1
Delay Before Reset -1
Lip 64
Blocking Damage 25
Force Closed Yes
Move Direction 0 180 0

Enter the following outputs

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnFullyClosed relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 Trigger <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyClosed !self Open <none> 2.00 No
Io12.png OnFullyOpen relay_stop_sound_room_1_1 Trigger <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyOpen !self Close <none> 2.00 No

Under flags, uncheck Touch Opens and check Door Silent

Piston Sounds

Create a logic_relay and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name relay_stop_sound_room_1_1
Start Disabled Yes

Enter this output

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnTrigger stop_sound_room_1_1 PlaySound <none> 0.00 No

Create an ambient_generic and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name stop_sound_room_1_1
Sound Name Portal.giant_piston
Pitch 125
Start Pitch 125
SourceEntityName crusher1

Piston Pressure Pad


Create a 112*144*4 brush with the nodraw texture. Tie the brush to a func_detail and cut the brush as seen in the image.

Open the Transformation window and type 270under the Y Axis and press OK

Open the Face Edit Sheet select all faces except for the back side. Set the texture to metal/metalwall_bts_004a and set the rotation to 90.

Add an overlay with the overlays/stain_oil_03 texture. Center the overlay with the front face.

Other Pistons

Mini Pistons

These pistons are only seen in testchmb_a_15 after exiting and falling down the elevator shaft.

Piston Base

Piston Body

While all brushes are selected, tie the brushes to a func_door and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name mini_crusher_1
Disable Shadows Yes
Speed 50
Start Sound Doors.Move14
Stop Sound Doors.FullClose9
Delay Before Reset -1
Blocking Damage 1
Move Direction 90 0 0

Enter the following outputs

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io12.png OnClose steam_pressure_release1 TurnOn <none> 0.00 No
Io12.png OnClose sound_steam PlaySound <none> 0.00 No
Io12.png OnOpen steam_pressure_release1 TurnOff <none> 0.00 No
Io12.png OnOpen sound_steam StopSound <none> 0.00 No

Under Flags, uncheck Touch Opens and Check Starts Open

Piston Brush

Create a 64*64*180 brush with the playerclip texture. Clip and position the brush as seen in the image.

Create a 64*64*4 brush on top of that brush, clip the brush as seen in the image and texture all faces with metal/metalwall_bts_001b. Set both texture shift values to -256.

Select both the playerclip brush and the top brush and tie them to a func_brush then enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Parent mini_crusher_1
Disable Shadows Yes
Minimum Light Level .2

Piston Steam

Create an env_steam and enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Name steam_pressure_release1
Pitch Yaw Roll -30 0 0
Length of steam jet 60

Create an env_steam and enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Name steam_pressure_release1
Pitch Yaw Roll -30 90 0
Length of steam jet 60

Create an env_steam and enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Name steam_pressure_release1
Pitch Yaw Roll -30 180 0
Length of steam jet 60
Piston Steam

Create an env_steam and enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Name steam_pressure_release1
Pitch Yaw Roll -30 270 0
Length of steam jet 60
Mini Piston

Place each env_steam as seen in the image.

Create an ambient_generic and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Name sound_steam
Sound Name ambient.steam01

Under flags, uncheck Is NOT Looped. Place the ambient_generic inside the mini-piston body

Mini-Piston Logic

Note.pngNote: This part is not officially in Portal and is done to make things easier. However the speed of which the piston opens and closes is officially part of Portal.

Create a logic_relay and set its name to close_mini_crusher_1 and enter the following outputs.

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io11.png OnTrigger mini_crusher_1 SetSpeed 40 0.00 No
Io11.png OnTrigger mini_crusher_1 Open <none> 0.01 No

Create a logic_relay and set its name to open_mini_crusher_1 and enter the following outputs.

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io11.png OnTrigger mini_crusher_1 SetSpeed 80 0.00 No
Io11.png OnTrigger mini_crusher_1 Close <none> 0.01 No

Do not miss the delays.

Note.pngNote:The piston will move up if we tell the func_door to close and the piston will move down if we tell func_door to open.

Separator Pistons

These pistons are seen in escape_00 after flinging up high. Only use these pistons in a group. 3-4 at the minimum.

Base Model

Create a prop_dynamic and enter the following properties.

Piston Base
Property Name Value
Pitch Yaw Roll 90 0 0
World Model models/props_bts/mini_piston_body.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes
Lighting Origin lighting_crusher_blocker_1

Body Model

Create a prop_dynamic and enter the following properties.

Piston Body
Property Name Value
Parent crusher_blocker_1
Pitch Yaw Roll 90 0 0
World Model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes

Piston Movement

Piston door

Create a 160*32*32 with the invisible texture and tie it to a func_door. Enter the following properties.

Property Name Value
Name crusher_blocker_1
Speed 400
Delay Before Reset -1
Blocking Damage 25
Force Closed Yes
Move Direction 0 180 0

Enter the following outputs

My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io11.png OnFullyClosed !self Open <none> 0.00 No
Io11.png OnFullyOpen !self Close <none> 0.00 No

Under flags, uncheck Touch Opens and check Non-solid to Player, Passable and Door Silent.

Piston Lighting

Create an info_target and set its name to lighting_crusher_blocker_1. This is the lighting for the piston base. Place it in a reasonable spot.

Piston Sounds

Separator Piston

Create an ambient_generic and enter the following properties. Remember to only place one of these in a group.

Property Name Value
Name enginesound_room_1
Sound Name Portal.moving_pistons
Pitch 50
Start Pitch 50

Under flags uncheck Is NOT Looped.


Open crusher_blocker_1 and play the enginesound_room_1 sound. When the player gets considerably far away, stop the enginesound_room_1 sound.


  • If a vertical piston's end point is a concrete texture, add an overlay textured with overlays/stain_oil_03 or overlays/stain_oil_04.
  • If a normal speed horizontal piston's end point is a metal texture, you can remove the pressure pad.

See also