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For a list of QC commands, see Category:QC Commands.
To learn how to compile a model, see Compiling a model.

A QC file is a script which controls the process of "compiling" SMDs into a binary model that can be loaded into a game. A QC configures the model's location and name, while SMD files are used to provide geometry, collision meshes and animations, how the model reacts when shot, and so on.

Comments can be lines starting with //, # or ;, or blocks contained between /* and */.

Note.pngNote:Although the "QC" file extension is derived from the QuakeC programming language used by Quake Quake, the syntax of StudioMDL QC files is significantly modified from the Wikipedia icon C-like syntax used by QuakeC.
Tip.pngTip:Shared QC files intended for use with $include are typically given the extension qci, and outdated or deprecated QC files are typically given the extension qcx. This prevents them from attempting to be compiled when batch-compiling an entire folder.

Simple example

Here is a very simple QC file for a solid model without any animation or special properties (click on each command for details):

$modelname	"props_sdk\myfirstmodel.mdl"
$body mybody	"myfirstmodel-ref.smd"

$surfaceprop	combine_metal
$cdmaterials	"models\props_sdk"

$sequence idle	"myfirstmodel-ref.smd" // no animation wanted, so re-using the reference mesh

$collisionmodel	"myfirstmodel-phys.smd" { $concave }

File format

Blank image.pngTodo:


Blank image.pngTodo:

See also


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