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Faceposer playing back a complex scene with multiple actors.

HLFaceposer Faceposer is the SDK tool used to produce choreographed sequences for the Source engine. It can create facial expressions (including lip-syncing), manage skeletal animations, the position of actors in the world, and any map triggers that need to be fired during a scene.

  • See Choreography creation for a step-by step guide to creating choreography in the Source engine.
  • See Faceposer reference for a quick-reference guide to the different parts of the Faceposer interface.
Note.pngNote:To use Faceposer with your own 2013-based mod, you'll need to set the VPROJECT environment variable to the game directory of your mod.
Note.pngNote:All imported audio should be encoded as 4-bit ADPCM WAV or 16-bit PCM WAV. The sampling rate can either be 11025 Hz, 22050 Hz, or 44100 Hz.


  • Faceposer has missing icons for the Play / Stop / Pause buttons. To fix this, extract this to your SDK's bin folder.
  • The Phoneme Extractor is broken by default. This can be fixed by using the Lipsinc Speech API instead of the default Microsoft Speech API.
  • The Textured Render view only displays missing textures. Try using Smoothshaded or Flatshaded instead.
  • Faceposer has some trouble loading debug materials, and will spam the Output window constantly when it uses them. This can cause the program to stutter quite a bit. You can try replacing your MaterialSystem.dll with this to silence these logs.
  • The program will also, in semi-rare cases, spam the Output window with Invalid controller index, and eventually crash. It is unknown what exactly causes this.
  • If models fail to load, or Faceposer is no longer starting, try deleting the Registry PathHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\faceposer registry key, and delete the Filehlfaceposer.rf file inside your SDK's bin folder.
  • If your mod uses custom shaders, Faceposer will fail to render any materials that use them when it's launched via VPROJECT. You'll need to launch Faceposer with the -game parameter pointing to the game directory of your mod.
  • Similar to HLMV, opening folders inside of the "Load model..." browser will give you an error if said folder only exists within a VPK.