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Example of rim lighting in use on the TF2 Heavy.

$rimlight is a material shader parameter available in all Source Source games since Template:Source 2007 for VertexLitGeneric. It adds a constant rim light to the model that appears to come indirectly from the environment. The color of the rim light is directly influenced by ambient light and behave closer to $phongfresnelranges Z component.

Note.pngNote:Requires $phong to be set to 1.
Blank image.pngTodo: Explain similarities and differences of Phong Fresnel ranges.
Warning.pngWarning:Left 4 Dead series Features no visible effect. however, you can increase $phongfresnelranges Z vector to archive a closer effect.

VMT syntax

$rimlight <bool>
	$phong			1

	$bumpmap		<texture>
	$phongexponent		5		
	$phongexponenttexture	<texture>	
	$phongboost		1.0
	$phongfresnelranges	"[0 0.5 1]"

	$rimlight               1
	$rimlightexponent       2
	$rimlightboost          .2			

Additional Parameters

Exponent for phong component of rim lighting. The rim exponent defines the "tightness" of the highlight. A higher exponent results in a smaller, tighter highlight while a lower exponent results in a broader flatter one.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Appears to have no effect in HLMV.
Additive boost for ambient cube component of rim lighting.
Uses the alpha channel of the $phongexponenttexture to mask rimlighting.
By default the rim light is white, This will tint both, phong and rim lighting. See Phong for more.

See also