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tf_logic_koth is a point entity available in Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2.

Entity description

Activates King of the Hill mode.

This entity displays a red timer and a blue timer in the HUD.

Another way to activate the timers is using the input SetRedKothClockActive or SetBlueKothClockActive from tf_gamerules.

zz_red/blue_koth_timer Entities

The zz_red_koth_timer and zz_blue_koth_timer entities are two team_round_timer entities created by the tf_logic_koth when the map is loaded that control each team's individual timer.

You can work with these timers in-editor, as they work fundamentally the same as regular team_round_timers, although they have a few changes internally to work on KOTH maps.

Having any I/O with these entities will work, though Hammer will say that the I/O is broken.

An example of a logic_relay pausing the red timer on a KOTH map.
Note.pngNote:Naming a team_round_timer entity in Hammer and adding I/O inputs will not function or alter the timers in-game. The engine seems to ignore them if they are added in-editor and will still add the entities on map load.

Outputs into the timers

You can have outputs from other entities going into the timers.

For example:

Having a logic_relay pause the red round timer would look like this in the I/O panel.

OnTrigger -> zz_red_koth_timer -> Pause

So whenever that logic_relay is triggered, it will pause red's timer.

This will ONLY effect red's timer. Blue's will remain unaffected.

A logic_relay using AddOutput on zz_blue_koth_timer to display a game_text whenever there is 1 second remaining on blue's timer.

Outputs from the timers

You can also get outputs from the timers by using AddOutput in-editor with the timers.

For example:

A logic_relay when triggered adds the output On1SecRemain on the zz_blue_koth_timer entity that displays a message from a game_text entity.

OnTrigger -> zz_blue_koth_timer -> AddOutput -> On1SecRemain game_message:Display::0:1

This will make it so whenever our first logic_relay is triggered, a message will be displayed on screen when zz_blue_koth_timer reaches 1 second remaining.

This will ONLY happen with blue's timer. Nothing will happen if red's timer reaches 1 second remaining.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Timer Length ([todo internal name (i)]) <integer>
Total duration (in seconds) either team must hold the point to win.
Note.pngNote:Most maps use 180 (3 minutes), but Ghost Fort uses 420 (7 minutes).
Control Point Delay ([todo internal name (i)]) <integer>
Time (in seconds) before the control point unlocks.


