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Talk:User Interface Opinions

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I'm starting this article to foster non-bug related discussion of the new interface. I filled in some categories off the top of my head and added my thoughts to a few of them, but it's time for me to go to bed now. Feel free to add/remove categories as you see fit, but please be careful not to accidentally mess with other people's opinions. --Lunchtimemama 00:07, 9 Oct 2005 (PDT)

SourceBugs, anyone? --TomEdwards 00:52, 9 Oct 2005 (PDT)

Here's a demonstrative skin for the new betaui... (talk) 12:10, 9 Oct 2005 (PDT)

Note: TrackerScheme.res is for the appearence in any Goldsource games—ts2do (talk) 13:34, 9 Oct 2005 (PDT)

Is Valve even reading this any more? --Alph Tech STUART 08:13, 17 Dec 2005 (PST)

They never were...this is solely for personal expression purposes—ts2do (Talk | @) 11:32, 18 Dec 2005 (PST)