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Talk:Patching levels with lump files

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I don't think we've got BSPINFO right now? --TomEdwards 13:58, 28 Aug 2006 (PDT)

That is correct. The .exe will be added to the Source SDK. --JeffLane 14:41, 28 Aug 2006 (PDT)
So this is what you did to patch the difficulty in Episode One? I hope you're thinking about getting a delta patching system into Steam to make this more general/automatic. --AiusEpsi 17:52, 28 Aug 2006 (PDT)

The article mentions that only entity lumps are patched like this, as a matter of practicality. But there don't appear to be any instructions about generating lump files for other lumps. Is this because it's not a common usage scenario, or does the engine not support it? The article states "It was written to handle any .bsp file lump" but I don't see any way of doing that. MofoMan2000 (talk) 00:37, 29 January 2016 (UTC)