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Talk:Camera Bob

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Just wanted to add that you probably want to change the first line

if ( cl_viewbob_enabled.GetInt() == 1)


if ( cl_viewbob_enabled.GetInt() == 1 && !engine->IsPaused() )

That way, it won't bob when the game is paused, and it'll prevent a huge bob effect from gathering up from pausing for a long time.

Oh, and after testing this effect, I personally found that it looked better with a zoffset, it looks more natural and is less nauseating (for me at least).

--Wilsonc 20:12, 23 July 2009 (UTC)


This is what I did to make the view bob more customizable:

Near the top of gamemovement.cpp define the convars: (these are the values I used, you can change them of course)

// Camera Bob
ConVar cl_viewbob_enabled	( "cl_viewbob_enabled", "1", 0, "Oscillation Toggle", true, 0, true, 1 );
ConVar cl_viewbob_timer		( "cl_viewbob_timer", "6", 0, "Speed of Oscillation");
ConVar cl_viewbob_scale_x	( "cl_viewbob_scale_x", "0.0", 0, "Magnitude of Oscillation");
ConVar cl_viewbob_scale_y	( "cl_viewbob_scale_y", "0.1", 0, "Magnitude of Oscillation");
ConVar cl_viewbob_scale_z	( "cl_viewbob_scale_z", "0.1", 0, "Magnitude of Oscillation");

then in the WalkMove function:

//view bob code
if ( cl_viewbob_enabled.GetInt() == 1 && !engine->IsPaused() )
	float xoffset = sin( 2 * gpGlobals->curtime * cl_viewbob_timer.GetFloat() ) * player->GetAbsVelocity().Length() * cl_viewbob_scale_x.GetFloat() / 400;
	float yoffset = sin( 2 * gpGlobals->curtime * cl_viewbob_timer.GetFloat() ) * player->GetAbsVelocity().Length() * cl_viewbob_scale_y.GetFloat() / 400;
	float zoffset = sin( 2 * gpGlobals->curtime * cl_viewbob_timer.GetFloat() ) * player->GetAbsVelocity().Length() * cl_viewbob_scale_z.GetFloat() / 400;

	player->ViewPunch( QAngle( xoffset, yoffset, zoffset));
//end view bob code

this way you can go in-game and test the scale x, y, and z values using the console to determine exactly where you want it. hope this helps somebody! --vecima 22:42, 11 April 2010 (UTC)