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Sven Co-op II/en

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Sven Co-op II Sven Co-op II is a cooperative multiplayer modification, serving as a sequel to the popular Sven Co-op Sven Co-op mod for Half-Life Half-Life. Developed by the Sven Co-op Team, the mod introduces cooperative gameplay where players work together against computer-controlled enemies within the world of Valve Valve's Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2. Among its key features is the integration of co-operative multiplayer into the renowned Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 experience, offering players an enhanced gameplay environment and an array of new features.


The announcement of Sven Co-op II for Half-Life 2 was made by the Sven Co-op Team on July 2, 2003. Following the success of the original Half-Life cooperative modification, Valve Software, the developer of the Half-Life series, expressed interest in collaborating with the Sven Co-op Team for the sequel[1]. Led by Sven Viking, the team aimed to leverage the advanced engine and extensive content of Half-Life 2, along with their four years of experience in the cooperative gaming genre, to elevate the cooperative gaming experience to new heights.


The mod builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, Sven Co-op, and enhances it with the capabilities of the Source engine and the expanded content of Half-Life 2. Key features include:

  • Cooperative multiplayer integration into the Half-Life 2 universe.
  • Enhanced gameplay mechanics resulting from years of experience in cooperative gaming.
  • Ability for mapmakers to create custom game modes.
  • Implementation of features to enrich the cooperative gameplay experience.

Release plans

The development team's initial plan was to release a beta version of the mod once they had successfully implemented cooperative gameplay into the Half-Life 2 single-player storyline. This release aimed to provide players with a taste of the mod while the team continued to work on more advanced features.


With the availability of the full Source Software Development Kit (SDK), the Sven Co-op Team shared details about their plans for Sven Co-op 2. They prioritized establishing smooth and enjoyable cooperative gameplay for the initial release, allowing level designers to create cooperative maps. While new monsters and weapons were planned for subsequent releases, the focus remained on delivering a compelling cooperative experience from the outset.

Cooperative support for the Half-Life 2 single-player storyline was a key focus, with adjustments to maps to ensure seamless cooperative play. The team aimed to maintain the essence of the original experience while accommodating cooperative gameplay. Additionally, they introduced a flexible mapper-defined class system and made significant changes to the fundamental gameplay mechanics to enhance the overall experience.

Development team

The Sven Co-op Team comprises individuals with extensive experience in mod development, particularly in cooperative gameplay. Their inaugural project, Sven Co-op, garnered both critical and public acclaim, establishing them as pioneers in the cooperative gaming community.

Actual status

For unknown reasons, development of Sven Co-op 2 was stopped and the ModDB page was archived.

However in April 1, 2014 (April Fools day), a supposed build of Sven Co-op II early build has been released to the public, which can be download here (via Internet Archive). This build was non-functional at best as they include no assets aside leftovers scripts and other stuff from Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two combined with gameinfo.txt file from Source 2007, this build is basically nothing more than April Fools joke.

Confirm:The development of Sven Co-op II was canceled because the Sven Co-op had not yet been completed.

2014 news

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Yesterday we’ve released our original design document for Sven Co-op II along with an early build of the work that had been done back in 2005. We expected our fans to be happy with the given information on something they’ve been waiting for since 2003.

We were right. The fans were pleased. Very pleased even. But not in the way we imagined. Shortly after the news post our email inbox overflowed with e-mails from SC fans. I’d like to quote some of them:

"Thank God you guys never finished that project! Those ideas made my eyes bleed!" "u guys 4 real? 0_o that supposed to be SC2?" "When I read you were going to add FUNC_VENT to the MOD I was thrilled but then I read the rest and it’s just pure crap! Good thing this was never released!"

It seems our ideas for SC2 were not that well received by the public. In hindsight, putting Rick Astley into the game might have been a bit too much. We’re going back to the drawing board for our concept document of Sven Co-op for Half-Life 3. Be sure to check this website again somewhere around 2029!

In other news, development on the original Sven Co-op continues steadily! A new version of Sven Co-op on our own modified Goldsource engine will definitely be released earlier than 2029, so don’t forget to visit this page regularly!

See also

External links


  1. Valve's interest in helping the development of Sven Co-op II