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From GoldSRC to Source/en

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From GoldSRC to Source From GoldSRC to Source is a collection of ported projects.


Porting old games to a new engine has a number of practical applications. One of the key benefits is the ability to breathe new life into a classic game by updating its graphics, improving its performance, and enhancing its gameplay mechanics.

PlacementTip.pngExample:let's say that an old classic game was originally built on an outdated engine. The game may have limited graphics capabilities, a sluggish frame rate, and limited support for modern hardware. By porting the game to a new engine, developers can take advantage of modern hardware and software technologies to improve the game's performance, graphics, and overall experience.

Moreover, porting an old game to a new engine can also facilitate the game's release across different platforms, increasing its access to a wider audience. For example, an old game that was originally only available on PC can be ported to a new engine and released on consoles, smartphones, and other platforms. Overall, porting old games to a new engine is a valuable process that can help to preserve classic games while also offering players an enhanced and updated gameplay experience.


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See also

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External links