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English (en)
... Icon-Important.png
This entity is not in the FGD by default .
See below for instructions on making it available.
Env fire.jpg

_firesmoke is a point entity available in all Source Source games. This is the group of particle effects created by an env_fire, including the flames. It does no damage. If a fire shouldn't damage things, or is unable to, this entity could be used directly for a small amount of memory saved. env_fire does however allow much more control over the flame.

class hierarchy
CFireSmoke defined in fire_smoke.cpp



Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.

FGD Code

Paste into base.fgd.

Basic functions for all entities. Recommended to paste at the top of base.fgd.

@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles, Origin, Global) = CBaseEntity
        ResponseContext(string) : "Response Contexts" :  : "Pre-defined response system contexts for this entity. Format is key:value,key:value,..."
        effects(integer) : "Effects" :  : "Combination of effect flags to use."
        ltime(float) : "Local Time" :  : "The local time of the entity, independent of the global clock. Used mainly for physics calculations."
        nextthink(float) : "Next Think" :  : "Amount of time before the entity thinks again."
        hammerid(integer) : "Hammer ID" :  : "The entity's Hammer ID. Mainly used by plugins and debugging commands, such as ent_keyvalue. Can be manually assigned. Entities spawned at run-time are not assigned any Hammer ID."
        mincpulevel(integer) : "Minimum CPU Level (Since L4D)" :  : "Minimum CPU Level allowed for this entity. 0 means all levels allowed."
        maxcpulevel(integer) : "Maximum CPU Level (Since L4D)" :  : "Maximum CPU Level allowed for this entity. 0 means all levels allowed."
        mingpulevel(integer) : "Minimum GPU Level (Since L4D)" :  : "Minimum GPU Level allowed for this entity. 0 means all levels allowed."
        maxgpulevel(integer) : "Maximum GPU Level (Since L4D)" :  : "Maximum GPU Level allowed for this entity. 0 means all levels allowed."
        LagCompensate(choices) : "Lag Compensation (Since L4D2)" : 0 : "Set to Yes to lag compensate this entity. Should be used very sparingly!" = 
                0: "No"
                1: "Yes"
        is_autoaim_target(choices) : "Is Automatic-Aim Target (Since CSGO)" : 0 : "If yes, automatic-aim assistance will target this entity." = 
                0: "No"
                1: "Yes"
        input Use(void) : "Same as a player invoking +use; may not do anything. Can also be invoked by creating an output that does not specify an input."
        input DispatchEffect(string) : "Dispatches a special effect from the entity's origin. Replaced by particles since Left 4 Dead."
        input DispatchResponse(string) : "Dispatches a response to the entity."
        input AddContext(string) : "Adds to the entity's list of response contexts. Format is <key>:<value>."
        input RemoveContext(string) : "Remove a context from this entity's list. The name should match the key of an existing context."
        input ClearContext(string) : "Removes all contexts from this entity's list."
        input CallScriptFunction(string) : "Since L4D2. Execute a VScript function in the scope of the receiving entity."
        input SetLocalOrigin(string) : "Since p2. Set this entity's origin in the map. (dubious)"
        input SetLocalAngles(string) : "Since p2. Set this entity's angles in the map. (dubious)"

_firesmoke point class. This MUST be below the first code block:

@PointClass base(CBaseEntity) = _firesmoke : "A purely visual flame effect."