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File talk:Ssbump examples.jpg

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Wow to be honest, that's a terrible example because it looks like the bump map is more detailed which is certainly not the case i thought? --Jenkins08 19:18, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

All the textures used have the same resolution. Besides, the image isn't demonstrating resolution but the differences in effect. --TomEdwards 21:05, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
Ok fair enough :) Still perplexing because the Bump image looks to have more "effect" than the ssbump. What "mode" are these displayed in? Obviously not RGB but to me it looks like the "bump" image would have more effect ingame than the ssbump for that particular image.. Did you take these screenshots ingame? I think i know that texture aswell its one of the Shadertest textures right? "point_camera_normal.vtf" ?
I was just pointing out that if you want to show a comparison between the effects of a normal map, ssbump and without any you should show ingame screenshots and/or what you have there with an explanation of what your actually showing. I'm not a graphics analyst nor am i a qualified 3d texture artist but to me the bump map has more definition in the curves and gradients between black and white (Light and dark) and i thought the whole point of ssbump was to enhance that feature (raytracing/light coming from 4 directions [North, south, east, west] rather than the normalmap 3 [up, right and above 'z'] ?). --Jenkins08 11:01, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
They are all in-game shots, and every texture is at the same resolution. There is more contrast in the vanilla normal map, and therefore a rougher surface, but that's merely a result of the tool and settings used to generate it. It would be simple to create an ssbump with the same characteristics, or vice versa (which to prevent confusion I might do).
Also, the point of self-shadowed bump maps is to gain self shadowing. They don't add an extra direction for light to come from: quite the opposite in fact, as is explained by the article. --TomEdwards 13:15, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
Ok thanks for clearing that up :) --Jenkins08 16:00, 18 April 2009 (UTC)